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Longhurst Group Chief Executive and Harry’s Pals Trustee, Julie Doyle, was invited to record an episode of the Happiness and Humans podcast with Matt Phelan from the Happiness Index. 

In the episode, Julie discusses Harry’s Pledge and how organisations can get involved. She also speaks about the key role that carers play in the world of work, and how they can be supported by their employers 

We spoke to Julie about her experience of speaking on the podcast. She said: I really enjoyed it. I didn’t know what I was going to be asked, so I think that helped – it just felt like a relaxed conversation. 

“It’s extremely important to speak publicly about caring responsibilities and accessibility. Carers get hidden away, many become housebound as it’s simply too difficult to get their loved ones out. 

“Understandably, lots of people complained during lockdown at the lack of public toilets and how inconvenient it was. People complained that they couldn’t go to a beach, yet normal daily life for about 250,000 people and their families is simply not being able to go far from where they live as they need access to special toilets.” 

By signing up to Harry’s Pledge, organisations can show their commitment to carers 

Julie added:If you’re considering signing up, please just go for it! Please don’t underestimate the difference it’ll make to people.” 

Interested in signing up for Harry’s Pledge? Find out more, and submit your details here.